American Journal of Modern Physics

Special Issue

Insufficiency of Higgs Mechanism

  • Submission Deadline: 30 June 2018
  • Status: Submission Closed
  • Lead Guest Editor: Amrit Sorli
About This Special Issue
Higgs field was theoretically predicted in order to explain from where massive particles gain their mass. According to the formula, E=mc2 mass of the given particle has the origin in its energy. Mass-energy equivalence principle does not require the existence of the particular field which would carry particles mass. The Standard Model explains that Higgs field has appeared after Big Bang when the universe starts cooling down. Several pieces of research confirm Big Bang never happen which represents the serious insufficiency of the Higgs mechanism. The next insufficiency of the Higgs mechanism is that the gluons which represent 99% of proton mass do not interact with the Higgs field. In CERN experiment are colliding about hundred millions of pairs of protons each second and only a few collisions produce Higgs boson. What about other pairs collisions? Why only 1 in ten billion of collisions produce Higgs boson? This special issue is dedicated to stress out weaknesses of Higgs mechanism and to give alternative models for the origin of mass of elementary particles.
Lead Guest Editor
  • Amrit Sorli

    Foundations of Physics Institute, Primorska, Slovenia

Guest Editors
  • Davide Fiscaletti

    SpaceLife Institute, San Lorenzo in Campo, Italy

Published Articles
  • Mass-Energy Equivalence Versus Higgs Mechanism

    Amrit Srečko Šorli

    Issue: Volume 7, Issue 4-1, August 2018
    Pages: 1-4
    Received: 14 June 2017
    Accepted: 19 June 2017
    Published: 11 July 2017
    Abstract: In Einstein Relativity mass of a given particle is related to the amount of the energy that is incorporated in the particle. Relation between mass m of the particle and energy E of the particle is expressed in famous formula E=mc2. Higgs mechanism open in physics new view on mass of the elementary particles, namely, that a given field which has app... Show More